Thursday, March 10, 2011

3 Products + 3 Tools + 1 Machine = All I need to greenly clean my home

We all have a super-power. For awhile, mine was washing dishes. Lately it's become cleaning my house. I'm an organizer, so sure, I do it quickly...but what makes this my "super power" is the efficient use of tools and minimal product needs. Let me share my process.

3 Products

1) Home Soap
Showers, floors (tiles, wood, linoleum), sinks, counters, refrigerators, gerbils, dishes...this soap cleans everything. Gentle enough for your pets, strong enough for your toilet.

2) Borax
In the shower if there’s a hint of mildew or soap scum, I mix a little borax in with my Home Soap and scrub it away. I also toss a half cup of Borax in with every load of laundry and sprinkle it in the bottom of the garbage can to control odors. Borax was launched in 1891 and using it makes me feel like I’m honoring my grandmothers.

3) Vinegar + Water in a Spray Bottle
I use this for windows, mirrors and chrome faucets. Keep it away from tile/grout because it’s hungry and likes to eat it. Also a good disinfectant but I don’t believe in disinfecting, I believe in good housekeeping (which makes disinfecting a non-issue).

3 Tools

4) Rubbermaid Reveal Mop
I don’t mop, I “Reveal.” Green companies have been making similar mops for awhile but this one you can find at Home Depot! Make your own detergent (mine is just Home Soap + Water...surprise!) and spray as you go. The removable head is washable and therefore reusable. It sucks up everything.

5) Flex Neck TnT Scrubber
The best tool I’ve ever used to scrub down the inside of a tub or shower. You can stand outside the tub and use the telescoping pole and save your back from breaking. Also great for spot cleaning floor stains.

6) Micro Fiber Telescoping Duster
Dusting is fun again! This tool telescopes out to 54 inches long so you can get those ceiling fan blades and tops of bookshelves. The tip also hinges (like a wrist) so you don’t have to contort you body or standing position to get things on the horizontal. As if that weren’t enough, the duster itself is reusable! Just hand wash or toss in your laundry and use it again and again.
telescoping, hinged duster

1 Machine

7) Vacuum Cleaner
I dream of owning a Dyson. Someday I’ll make that a reality (a girl can dream, right?). In the mean time, I just use a regular canister vac. The key to cleaning efficiently with a vacuum is to dust first and have the vacuum running in the room where you’re dusting. No matter how thirsty your micro-fiber duster is, any dusting just kicks up stuff into the air. Having the vacuum cleaner going while you dust cuts down on the spreading around factor.

That's it folks. Those are the 7 things I use to clean my home. Simple, effective tools are the keys to organized housekeeping.