Friday, February 25, 2011

4 Amazing Resources for NYC Entrepreneurs

I went to acting school and teaching school, not business school. For that reason people are always curious about where I learned how to start, run and maintain my business. Here are the four amazing and free resources I used (and continue to use) to learn the ropes.

New York City Business Solutions
This website is so easy to use, they have a place where you just type in what kind of business you want to open, click some boxes and answer some questions and VOILA, they give you a list of which licenses you need and links to where to find them. It’s easier than ordering from Chipotle. It was while navigating this site that I found out about my next resource...

FastTrac programs are basically “Entrepreneur School.” With three variations, New Venture, Growth Venture and Tech Venture you can apply for whichever program suits your needs. I applied for NewVenture in August and got accepted in October. When the program started I was given a hefty textbook/workbook and immediately immersed in a class with 30 other entrepreneurs. We were led by a fantastic team of business experts who guided us through all the details of starting a business. Did I mention this was free? Completely free?

New York State Small Business Development Center
I found them before I found FastTrac. Sometimes it’s just really nice to talk to a human instead of interface with a computer screen. I made an appointment (so easy, just call 646-312-4790) and met with someone who set me straight on some points that had been confusing. Should I become an LLC or be a sole-proprietor? Should I invest in office supplies or marketing materials first? Oh! And what if I need to talk to a lawyer...they had one on staff to guide me through the gruelling task of writing contracts. They were lovely, professional and they called and checked up with me to make sure I was still on track a few weeks after my last meeting.

SCORE has been around since 1964, but it was new to me. The main service they provide is mentor-ship, setting you up with experienced business counselors who can provide sage advice in your field. Many of the counselors are retired, or semi-retired folks who have ‘made it’ in their respective field and are ready to share their wisdom. I met with a SCORE counselor who gave me great advice (and a much needed pep-talk) about how to focus my energy as a new business owner. They also provide great workshops and seminars.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Two Exciting Things in One Hour

Thing 1: 
After an inspiring and educational brunch with my friend Amanda (the genius behind Jellybean Boom) we decided it would be fun for me to contribute some of what I've learned about growing a business to her readership. I jumped on the chance and you can read the fruits of my labor here.

Thing 2: I just found out that for March's Apartment Therapy Offline Meetup the KENO brothers will be speaking. If you don't know, well, they're antique furniture appraisers...and TWINS. They know everything about American antique furniture, and they make constant appearances on my favorite show, PBS's Antiques Roadshow. What's so amazing about these two is their enthusiasm, I promise you will never see anyone get so excited about original brass pulls, Chippendale dressers or hidden drawers. I can't wait! The event is March 3rd, 6:30pm at ABC Carpet (888 Broadway).